Wire sculptor Josh Cote stands behind one of his rabbit sculptures. Josh is smiling and wearing sunglasses, a hat, and a yellow plaid shirt

Josh Coté was introduced to the world of art at a young age, growing up in a family of traveling artists. Initially pursuing a medical degree at the University of Michigan, Coté soon discovered that his true passion lay in sculpture. He left the university to fully dedicate himself to his craft.

Working primarily with recycled aluminum, copper, and steel wire, Coté creates intricately designed sculptures using only needle-nosed pliers. His innovative techniques involve meticulously hand-manipulating, wrapping, and weaving wire to itself. The result is a unique sculptural form that utilizes negative space and the linear quality of wire, resembling a three-dimensional pen and ink drawing.

“I was raised by gypsies. True... in a sense. Born in 1971, I grew up going to art shows along the East Coast with my mother and traveling artist father during the 60's, 70's and 80's, back when art festivals just started to form around the country. Memories of sleeping in the old Land Rover he drove to shows, sleeping on the road...with two white German Shepherds, and the whole family jammed in there like a bunch of muppets!"– Josh Coté


Kenneth Charles


Bob Doster